Sunday, 28 June 2015

Week 23

After 2+ weeks of sitting idle, we finally have some movement on the house, all-be-it, none of the items on our inspections list have been addressed or responded too.... but we will keep following these up.

This week, our garage roof was installed, the cedar capping on our balcony has been installed, gutters, and the first coat of render on the ground floor has been put on.

Looking ahead, this week we meet with the regional building manager and discuss the progress to date and how they are progressing.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Week 22 ......

Well, totally uneventful week for the house.  A few deliveries and our SS has left the company.  As it doesn't appear there was any handover, we have put together a list of things we've discussed for our new temporary ss.  

Hopefully we have some progress next week!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Week 21 - fixes

Going through the house at this inspection stage has identified a few errors.  The builder has put in a few extra bulkheads and the heating/ cooling vents are in the wrong place.  There are also concerns on the site drainage as the builder hasn't installed the down pipes yet.  The builder has had the list for over a week now, but no progress yet....

Hoping next week will see some progress.....

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Week 19 & 20 - Whilst the cats are away.....

Over the last couple weeks the builders have been working away on the inside and outside making the house look more like the final product.  

The final 1st floor render / eves have been completed and painted and the front balcony construction is well underway.  The glass on all but two of the windows is now in place and the scaffolding came down this last week.  (only 3 weeks after schedule!)

Looking forward, the down pipes should be going up next week then the ground floor render / garage roof to be started soon.  

Lockup is getting closer every day with only a few minor items needing to be corrected before the official sign off.  Hopefully they can rectify all the items soon and the plaster can start in the next couple weeks.  

Internally, they have installed all the ducting, electrical, plumbing and insulation.